Make Your Own Ornament at Seattle Glassblowing Studio
If you’re in the market to make your own glass ornaments, it’s probably time to go to the Seattle Glassblowing Studio.
photography by Cameron Zegers
The Seattle Glassblowing Studio opened in 1991, this spot offers anyone age 5 or above the opportunity to get in the studio and get creative.
glass particles called “frit” wait in scoops to become the coloring of glass art
Hugh Willa; Hugh is using steam from water-soaked hardwood block to smooth the shape of the molten glass
Hugh Willa; Hugh is using “jacks” to create a neckline between the glass and the blowpipe
Hugh Willa; Hugh is using a stainless steel “marver” table to shape the glass
Hugh Willa, Yoshie Sugo; Hugh is using paper to control the shape while the glass expands with Yoshie blowing air through the blowpipe.
Phillip Hickok, student; Phillip puts finishing touch on the shape of the piece with paper after the student sucks air out of the glass
Landscape series vessel by Seattle Glassblowing Studio
Hugh Willa; Hugh is using water-soaked newsprint paper to shape and elongate the glass