The city of Granger is inhabited by dinosaurs
written by Lindsay McWilliams
Around 1993, the city of Granger held a series of community meetings to discuss how to attract more visitors to the town, one of Washington’s smallest and poorest (with a population just greater than 2,000). Recalling ancient woolly mammoth remains that had been found in the area decades earlier, the community decided on a new prehistoric theme for Granger—dinosaurs. A year later, the town had built its first dinosaur—a baby Brontosaurus—in Hisey Park out of mesh wire and concrete.
The theme was a success—today, the city of Granger is home to thirty-two dinosaurs and takes the motto “where dinosaurs roam.” The giant creatures, which were first confined to the park, have now spread throughout downtown, including two Megalosauri that welcome cars into the city. (Don’t miss the volcano-shaped bathrooms in the park.)
Every year on the first Saturday in June, the community gathers for “Dino-N-A-Day” to build a new dinosaur or help restore older dinosaurs in the “Granger dinosaur family.”